allGLAMMEDup: DIY Moisturizing Avocado Face Mask

DIY Moisturizing Avocado Face Mask

12:00 AM

This entire summer has been so busy and somewhat stressful for me, despite the fact that I have graduated and am no longer in school. I love being busy and having plans, whether it's with friends or going to events. This past weekend at church, I was reminded that it's essential to take some time to relax. My friend Megan and I decided to have a girls' day this past Friday and made a Moisturizing Avocado Face Mask, so I thought I would share the recipe with you today! All three ingredients include properties that moisturize, protect, and heal the skin. Read on to find out how to make your own!

What you'll need:

1/2 Avocado: Avocados contain Vitamin C which not only moisturizes the skin, but also adds firmness to the skin. Vitamin E reduces the effects of UVA and UVB radiation from sun exposure to skin.

1 tbsp. Plain Yogurt: Yogurt has a few ingredients that are very good for your skin! Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce redness and swellings, as well as anti-astringent properties that help tighten tissues. It also reduces oil production. Yogurt also includes lactic acid which smooths and exfoliates the skin (this is frequently found in skin care products), and also prevents/reduces wrinkles!

1 tbsp. Honey: I suggest using Active Manuka Honey. Doctors frequently suggest using it for acne, and it's great because it is all-natural and does not dry your skin out. In fact, it's a great moisturizer because it not only hydrates the skin, but repairs damaged skin cells, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.

To make the face mask, I started by scooping out the avocado into a bowl and just smashed it up with a fork, then mixed in the yogurt and honey. Simple as that!

Spread a generous amount of the mixture across your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. The easiest way to take it off is by wiping it off with a paper towel, then using water and a washcloth to rinse the rest off. Your skin should feel cool and smooth once cleansed!

Let me know if you try this out!

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